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The Krasnodar Region Territory is the main health resort in Russia.

Region was formed on 13 September 1937 when the Azov-Black Sea Territory was divided into the Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Region including the Adygea Autonomouns Region that became part of territory and a republic in 1991. The administrative centre is the city of Krasnodar. Such big resort cities like Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse are situated on the Black Sea Coast in the North West Caucasus. Kuban is the region of two seas – the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and 544 rivers and 12 water reservoirs supply it with water.There are endless plains in its northern and central parts, hilly fields in the mountain spurs coastal salt lakes, large forests.The common length of its borders is 1540 kilometres, 740 kilometres of which pass along the sea. Kuban land has an area of 85 000 square kilometres.

11.jpgMore than 5 million people live in this region (about 53% in the city and 47% at the country-side), they are the different nationalities, religions and cultures. The average density of the population is 66,6 people per 1 square kilometre. The region includes 38 areas, 26 cities (15 of regional and 11 of area`s subordination), 21 urban settlemens, 389 rural administrative district (uniting 1717 rural populated localities).

Krasnodar region can boast of the Azovo-Kuban basin of fresh and mineral waters, the biggest of Europe. More than 60 kinds of economic mineral resources have been discovered here, including considerable reserves of oil, natural gas, marble, granite, marl, limestone, sandstone, mineral waters and medical muds, apatite and iron-ores and others.

Krasnodar region is one of the oldest oil-extracting regions of Russia. Oil extraction here was begun in 1864. Oil and oil products produced locally are supplied to all parts of the Soviet Union and abroad.

The total area of the Kuban woods exceeds 1800 thousands hectares. There are tracts of oak and beech, which have a great industrial importance. They occupy correspondingly 49% and 19% of the woodland area of the region. The great mountains of the Caucasian State Reserve and Guam George, the deep canyons of the Belaya River and the blue waters of Lake Abrau are unique in their virgin beauty.

The Krasnodar Region is still leading region in Russia in terms of agricultural production, Kuban takes the second place in terms of housing construction and third place in terms of external investments.

Today the Region accounts for 7% of all investments in Russia. The Olympic project, of course, has in recent years been a serious magnet for investment. In seeking investmets in industry, agro-industrial and social spheres, transport system, housing construction, small businesses and holiday resorts can give the Region the highest living standarts in the country, the Kuban Area to become a region that has everything to make life enjoyable. The Krasnodar Region is currently one of the country`s breadbaskets, a region with considerable economic, natural and cultural potential.